
One of the most wonderful things about our oils is how versatile they are. There are a number of ways they can be used. Below are some ideas. 

  • Anoint yourself with them on the pulse points ( always do a patch test).
  • Anoint candles in a corresponding color with the oil of your choice. Anoint rubbing away from you to take something off or send it away. Anoint towards yourself to draw or bring things to you. 
  • Anoint mojo bags and other objects of power to feed and fortify.
  • Add to mop water or a spray bottle.
  • Dress and anoint the bottom of shoes.
  • Used to anoint yourself or a client after a spiritual working to seal it.
  • Anoint doors and windows.
  • Dilute with a carrier oil and use as a massage oil (always do a patch test).
  • Anoint money to return to you and grow.
  • Anoint hands and middle of forehead before doing divination.
  • Anoint prepared name papers and packets.
  • Add to oil diffusers.
  • Put a few drops in a pot of water that sits on the stove or wood burning fireplace.